Week 16: Honeydew Melon and Grapes and Raisins

Honeydew Melon

Honeydew Melon For Your Baby

Honeydew melon is the one that has a smooth light green skin and a light green flesh. It keeps well before you cut it open - and in the refrigerator it keeps for about a week. It is a good fruit to have on hand if you can only shop at a grocery store once a week. If it is ripe and soft, it is an excellent finger food for baby. Keep in mind that, just like cantaloupe, it is pretty much impossible to tell when it is ripe. Just go ahead and cut it open, and hope for the best.

Recommended products for your baby:

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When is baby ready?

8 months old

How to buy

Look for a smooth skin and it should be heavy.

Homemade Baby Food Recipe

Cut in half - spoon out seeds and cut off skin. Cut into baby sized chunks.

How to store

Honeydew melon will last a while on your counter top. Cut up into cubes and store in a plastic container in your refrigerator for easy snacking.

Are there baby food jars?


Should I buy organic?

No, the skin protects it from pesticide contamination.

Adult Recipe

Honeydew melon is great for fruit salad - and one that you could have on the go. Just mix with grapes, strawberries, sliced bananas, etc.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and Raisins For Your Baby

In case you didn't know, raisins are dried grapes. Raisins are nature's candy as they are packed with sugar, and children love them. If your child doesn't have many teeth, they tend to come out whole on the other end. Grapes are a choking concern because there is a risk of them getting lodged in the throat. Just cut up your grapes in quarters so the little ones will have an easier time eating them. In addition, you may have to peel grapes for your child if his teeth aren't developed yet.

Pesticides in grapes is a problem when you are buying grapes from South America. The grapes from other countries can be sprayed with non-FDA approved pesticides and can be in high concentrations. When possible, buy organic grapes and/or grapes from the United States.

Recommended products for your baby:

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When is baby ready?

8 months old

How to buy

Look for grapes that are seedless (which most are) and either organic or from the United States.

Homemade Baby Food Recipe

Wash grapes really well to get off excess dirt. Cut grapes up into quarters and serve. Just give your baby whole raisins.

How to store

Keep in bottom of fridge.

Are there baby food jars?


Should I buy organic?

Yes. If you can't find organic then go with grapes from the United States. Organic raisins are fairly easy to find and do taste better.

Adult Recipe

Add grapes and raisins to salads. For example, make a fruit salad with the honeydew melon, grapes, and raisins and eat with some yogurt and granola sprinkled on top. Another good use for raisins is to add them to oatmeal or cottage cheese.

Eating tip of the week

If you can only go shopping once a week, buy a mix of fruits and vegetables that will keep and some that don't so you always have some in your house. For example, lettuce or spinach should be eaten within a few days - but cauliflower will keep for a week. Bananas may ripen quickly, and then have a honeydew melon on hand for later in the week.

Week #16 Shopping List

Baby Food

Adult Food: (same as baby food)