Food Resource

BabyFood101's primary goal is to help introduce solid foods to babies, but you have already done that! We can still help with our database of foods and recipes to help you and your (soon to be) toddler be healthy.

We have recently launched another site which also could help you. Check out for kid friendly snack ideas.

Below is a detailed description of the sections inside BabyFood101 most relevant to you:

Food Database

BabyFood101's food database is a searchable list of all the foods that you would introduce to your baby during his/her first 6 months. Included is a recipe for making baby food and for cooking an adult food

Grocery Guide

There are lots of choices when buying food. For example, eggs in the supermarket come in many different varieties such as: free-range, organic, omega-3 added, brown, etc. BabyFood101 defines these terms for you and helps you make informed choices for your baby and for yourself.

Contact Us!

The information on this site is not a substitute for your pediatrician's advice
As with any health concern, please consult your pediatrician regarding your specific child. BabyFood101 recognizes that there are many differing opinions on the subject matter we cover. This information is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or for your own opinions. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition


Weekly Email Course

Our free 26 week course includes 52 age appropriate foods to try with your baby.

First Feeding

Baby Food Guide

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Baby Foods