Avocado For Your Baby

Avocado is a great first food for your baby. It is an excellent source of "good" fat, and it can be bought year round in the store. Avocados are ripe when they feel soft (but too soft can be spoiled so be careful when purchasing them). Another great thing about avocados is that they are easy to take with you. Just grab a spoon - shove an avocado in your bag and you have instant baby food (who needs those jars??). Like bananas, avocado is a fruit that you can buy early in the week and then use later on. If your avocado becomes soft before you want to eat it, just refrigerate it until you are ready. It will keep up to a week in the fridge uncut.
Avocado is in Week 2 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us
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When is baby ready?
4 months old
How to buy
Look for ones that have no blemishes and that are not too soft to the touch. The harder it is the longer it will take to ripen, but avocados ripen well on your kitchen counter.
Homemade Baby Food Recipe
Simply mash avocado with a fork in a small bowl - add formula, water or breast milk to make liquid enough for baby.
How to store
Obviously, baby can't eat an entire avocado so wrap the side with the pit still inside to keep it from getting brown. Unfortunately, because of allergies to citrus you cannot use lemon juice to preserve the avocado for your baby when he is four months old. If you are planning to eat it later, spritz a little lemon juice on the open slice and it will stay greener longer.
Are there baby food jars?
Should I buy organic?
No. Avocados have thick, inedible skins which protect the fruit from pesticide contamination.
Adult Recipes
When you are looking for what to do with the rest of that avocado, just spread it on some toast instead of butter or cream cheese. It is delicious with a little salt and has no saturated fat!
Here is a great starter for dinner:
Easy Avocado Salad
(serves 2)
1 Avocado
extra virgin olive oil
red wine vinegar
salt and pepper
Cut ripe avocado in half lengthwise and remove pit. Splash a little extra virgin olive oil and then a little vinegar in the center. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with spoon.
Avocado is in Week 2 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us