Cantaloupe (or Melon)

Cantaloupe for Your Baby

The word "cantaloupe" can mean many things to people. We are referring to the melon with a meshed rind and orange flesh inside. Cantaloupe is a good fruit to buy every week because because you can store it for a long period of time before cutting open (on your counter top) and after cutting open in the refrigerator. When you are buying a packaged fruit cup, you will almost always see it included because it keeps so well.

For your baby, cantaloupe is another great first finger food as long as it is really ripe and soft.

Cantaloupe is in Week 14 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us

Recommended products for your baby:

Munchkin Baby Feeder for Fresh Food and Fruit, 2 Pack, Blue/Mint


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When is baby ready?

8 months old

How to buy

It is almost impossible to tell the ripeness of a cantaloupe from the outside before cutting open. This can be very frustrating because an unripe cantaloupe just tastes like styrofoam. The measure of ripeness is how easily it falls of the vine and since most of us don't have cantaloupe vines we can't tell if it is ripe. Don't feel bad if you cut it open and it isn't ripe.

Homemade Baby Food Recipe

Just cut up and serve.

How to store

Cantaloupe will last a while on your counter top. If it starts to smell good then it is probably ready to eat. Cut up into cubes and store in a plastic container for easy snacking.

Are there baby food jars?


Should I buy organic?

Tough skin protects it from pesticide contamination.

Adult Recipe

Cantaloupe and Prosciutto

1 cantaloupe
4 oz prosciutto
Cut cantaloupe in half, scoop out seeds, and remove rind. Cut into wedges and wrap prosciutto around the wedge. Insert toothpick to hold together or just eat! This is a great starter to a meal.

Cantaloupe is in Week 14 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us


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