Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi Fruit For Your Baby

You probably were not fed kiwi fruit when you were a child because it wasn't available. Kiwi fruit originates from China but comes to us from New Zealand. It is quite delicious when ripe and a good size and consistency for baby. Don't worry about the small seeds in the fruit. The seeds are too small for your baby to choke on them. They are another great finger food, and soft enough for babies without many teeth.
Kiwi Fruit is in Week 25 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us
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When is baby ready?
8 months old
How to buy
Kiwi fruit are picked before they are ripe, so you will probably find them to be fairly hard. You should wait until they are a little soft before cutting open. They will ripen well on the counter.
Homemade Baby Food Recipe
It can be difficult to cut up a kiwi because you feel like you are losing all of its fruit to the tough skin you must cut off. Just use a sharp knife and cut away. Serve in size appropriate for baby.
How to store
Ripen on counter and then store soft kiwi in the fridge until you are ready to use.
Are there baby food jars?
Should I buy organic?
Kiwi fruit have tough skins, so pesticide residue is probably not a problem here.
Adult Recipe
Just toss them in fruit salad - mix them up with the blueberries that you will buy this week and add some yogurt and honey..
Kiwi Fruit is in Week 25 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us