Tomatoes For Your Baby

Tomatoes are not a first baby food because of their high acidity content. Sometimes tomatoes can cause an uncomfortable rash around the lips. A fresh tomato is an incredibly delicious source of nutrition. Of course, the key to a great tomato is buying it in season, and that is usually from June through September. There are all sorts of varieties of tomatoes now including heirloom and green ones. Look for ones that are exceptionally sweet for baby's consumption.
Tomatoes are in Week 26 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us
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When is baby ready?
8 months old
How to buy
For baby, use cherry tomatoes. These are easy to pack and take to the park.
Homemade Baby Food Recipe
Just wash and serve.
How to store
Tomatoes will keep for a week in your fridge.
Are there baby food jars?
Yes and No. You will not find pure tomatoes in a jar, but you will find pasta and tomato sauce in a jar.
Should I buy organic?
No. It is not on the list of the USDA's most contaminated fruits and vegetables.
Adult Recipe
One of the simplest and most elegant ways to serve tomatoes is a caprese salad. This recipe only works with the tastiest and freshest of tomatoes. If you can find heirloom tomatoes, they will usually be pretty expensive, but they taste heavenly.
Caprese Salad
1 heirloom tomato
fresh basil
fresh mozzarella
olive oil
salt and pepper
Slice tomato and mozzarella. Tear basil leaves into small pieces. Starting with the tomato, layer mozzarella, basil on top until you have used it all. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Tomatoes are in Week 26 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us