Winter Squash
Winter Squash For Your Baby

The name "Winter Squash" can denote quite a few different varieties of squash. Acorn, Butternut, and pumpkin are good examples of winter squash. Jars of baby food can contain a mixture of these squashes. For our purposes, we will begin with the easily recognizable butternut squash. It is tan in color with a neck and bump on the bottom, and it is ubiquitous in grocery stores throughout the year. It stores really well in a dark cool place then, so you can buy it and when you have time roast it for your meal.
Winter Squash is in Week 3 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us
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When is baby ready?
4 months old
How to buy
The squash should be firm with no soft spots or damage.
Homemade Baby Food Recipe
One of the most difficult things about preparing squash is peeling it. Since you don't have much time to spare as a new parent, we recommend roasting it. Also, roasting really concentrates its sweet flavor which, if you are lucky, baby will like. If you decide to make an entire butternut squash for your baby, you will have a lot left over. Preheat oven to 325 F. Cut squash from top to bottom and remove seeds and strings. Place on aluminum foil on baking sheet and bake for 1 hour until very very tender. Scoop flesh away from skin and mash.
How to store
Keep in a cool dry place - not in the refrigerator (keep with the onions and potatoes). It will store for up to 2 months.
Are there baby food jars?
Should I buy organic?
No. Not necessary here. Winter squash has a tough skin that protects it from pesticide contamination.
Adult Recipes
Below are two ways to work with pre-roasted butternut squash. The easiest is to just serve it roasted on the side of your plate as an alternative to potatoes or rice. If you have a bit more time, it is really simple to make a puree of butternut squash soup that is an excellent starter or makes a good lunch with a grilled cheese sandwich.
Puree of Butternut Squash Soup
1-2 pounds roasted butternut squash
3-4 cups vegetable or chicken stock
Puree squash in blender, adding stock to get to desired consistency. Pour into large saucepan on stove and reheat. Now it is time to season with flavors that you prefer. Try ground cardamom, cinnamon, ginger or nutmeg. Serve with a dollop of plain yogurt.
Mashed Butternut Squash for Adults
See above roasting recipe for baby.
Take roasted squash and mash it with a fork or potato masher - add butter or extra virgin olive oil and any of the following: Chopped parsley, cilantro, mint or sage
Ground spices such as cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, or nutmeg.
Winter Squash is in Week 3 of Babyfood101's Course - Please Join Us
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