Week 17: Brussels Sprouts and Pineapple
Brussels Sprouts
Brussels Sprouts For Your Baby

Here is a food that kids love to hate. We think it has to do with its smelly cabbage taste when Brussels sprouts are overcooked. Most adults don't like Brussels sprouts either (as evidenced by their lack of appearance on the McDonald's menu). But, we think we have come up with a way to help you enjoy them. Don't boil them - roast them. Roasting brings out the sweeter part of their flavor and enhances the good things about Brussels sprouts.
Recommended products for your baby:
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When is baby ready?
8 months old
How to buy
The smaller the Brussels sprout the better. Reject any with yellow or loose leaves, or leaves that are not tightly packed. Look for Brussels sprouts in the winter and spring.
Homemade Baby Food Recipe
We think the easiest way to enjoy Brussels sprouts is to roast them. Heat your oven to 350 F. Cut off end and any loose leaves and then cut in half. Place Brussels sprouts in a rimmed baking sheet and add a few tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper. Mix up with your hands and roast until fork tender - about 30-40 minutes.
Try to cut the leaves in small bits that are easy for baby to chew, or puree them and mix with rice cereal or yogurt.
How to store
They will last a week in the bottom of your refrigerator in a plastic bag.
Are there baby food jars?
Should I buy organic?
We couldn't find any information about pesticides in conventionally grown Brussels sprouts. So to err on the side of caution, buy organic when possible.
Adult Recipe
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
1 pound Brussels Sprouts
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
Heat your oven to 350 F. Cut off end and any loose leaves and then cut in half. Place Brussels sprouts in a rimmed baking sheet and add a few tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper. Mix up with your hands and roast until fork tender - about 30-40 minutes.
Pineapple For Your Baby

It can be difficult to find a really ripe pineapple, and then it is difficult to peel and serve. There are two fine replacements for a fresh pineapple - frozen and canned. Do not buy the pineapple which is canned in sugared syrup. We want to avoid giving baby added sugar for as long as it is possible. Frozen pineapple and cans of pineapple will store well and can be used when you run out of fresh fruit. These are good items to keep around for the end of your shopping week.
Recommended products for your baby:
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When is baby ready?
8 months old
How to buy
Buy fresh, canned, or frozen. A fresh pineapple to be ripe, has to be ripe when picked so it can be difficult to find a good one. Look for ones that smell good and are still firm.
Homemade Baby Food Recipe
To cut up a pineapple, chop off the top, slice off stem end, and cut pineapple into quarters. If you have a grapefruit knife, use to separate flesh from skin, or use a paring knife. Some children really like eating frozen pineapple, so don't waste time defrosting! Cut into age appropriate chunks.
How to store
A cut up pineapple will keep for 10 days in the bottom of the fridge.
Are there baby food jars?
Should I buy organic?
No, they have a tough skin so it protects it from pesticide contamination.
Adult Recipe
Pineapple is one of those foods that should just be eaten fresh or made into fruit salad. It is delicious to mix with cottage cheese.
Eating tip of the week
Remember your taste buds change over time. Something that you may have hated as a child can be delicious as an adult. Don't give up on a vegetable or fruit. Keep giving it a try with different preparations.
Week #17 Shopping List
Baby Food
- Brussels sprouts
- pineapple (fresh, frozen, or canned without sugar)
Adult Food
- olive oil
- salt and pepper