Make simple and healthy food for you and your baby.
BabyFood101 supports both you and your baby in eating well. We include recipes for baby food as well as recipes for adult food. Don't just make baby food - make adult food and give some to your baby!
We believe that good eating habits start with the parents. You are the model for your child and you are busy. We help you plan your meals to include your baby.
Choose your baby's eating stage
Favorite Food: Apples
Apples are one of those foods you want your child to love. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" has a nice marketing ring to it - and it may be true! There are lots of varieties of apples to choose from and it will be fun to introduce your baby to them all. We believe it would be best to stay away from the sour apple varieties such as Granny Smith (green apples) to start. Try a Gala apple or another sweet variety to ensure your baby has a great first experience.
Make your own baby food
Look for apples that are firm and without any visible bruising. Unfortunately, you are going to have to peel the apple for your baby since it is really hard to chew. Most of the nutrients are in the peel but an apple is still a good first food. Also, you should cook the apple to make it soft enough for baby to eat.
Cooking Directions: Peel, slice, and core apple. Cover with water and heat on stove or in microwave until soft - maybe 3 minutes depending on how thin you sliced it. Mash cook apples to babies desired consistency.
Make your own adult food
One of your jobs as a caregiver is to model good eating for your child. We thinks now is a good time to start cooking and eating more fruits and vegetables. When your baby grows into a toddler, you will be already setting a good example! Below is a recipe for the apples that you will be buying for baby.
Roasted Apple with Red Onion
3 medium apples cored and cut into 8 chunks
1/2 red onion cut into 1 inch slices
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 400 F and mix apples and onion with extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper. Spread out apple mixture on baking sheet and bake until apples are soft about 15 minutes.
Eating tip of the week
Mix it up for baby! Sometimes a new food will just taste too strong for baby so mix it with rice cereal or with another food that baby likes. This also provides some variety as well for baby. Jars of baby food may be premixed for you already (for example peas and rice).
The information on this site is not a substitute for your pediatrician's advice.
As with any health concern, please consult your pediatrician regarding your specific child. BabyFood101 recognizes that there are many differing opinions on the subject matter we cover. This information is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or for your own opinions. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition.